Usage: Pine Needles, Animal Fur, Bird Beaks, Detail Strokes
Hair Type: Specialty (Hard)
Hair Group: Traditionally Horse Hair
Tip Dimensions:
- Pine Needle 7/8" x 3/16" approximately
- Big Pine Needle 1 1/4" x 3/16" approximately
A limited edition unique detail brush. Longer stiff bristles are slightly reminiscent of OAS' Mountain Horse Fine. The Pine Needle Brush, however is even smaller and the bristles are slightly softer. The smaller diameter combined with the softer bristles gives you move control and makes it easier to control moisture on fine line strokes.
The brush is excellent for detail strokes like pine needles, animal fur, and bird's beaks. It is also a great brush for small twigs, giving you wonderful energy in small line strokes.
The Big Pine Needle brush is size-wise in between the Mountain Horse Fine and Mountain Horse Small. This unique size and subtly softer bristles than the Mountain Horse makes this brush a useful addition to your collection.